Rakan Jaya Trading
LB-52-18 is a low-hydrogen electrode with a high deposition rate for mild steel and 490N/mm2 high tensile steel. It is an excellent choice for a variety of applications.
RB-26 is the traditional and advanced covered electrode for all-position welding (including vertical downward position) of mild steel sheets. RB-26 is a high titania type covered electrode for welding mild steel.
LB52U is a low hydrogen type covered electrode for mild steel and 490MPa high tensile strength steel which produces the innerside reinforcement of weld. It is often used for welding pipes and welding structures such as tanks, which can be welded only from one side.
LB-52 is the most popular electrode for 490MP a class high tensile steel in ships, bridges, buildings, and pressure vessels. This electrode was adopted in the first nuclear reactor vessel of Japan. Its usability is good in all positions and it deposits weld metal of high quality.
LB-52NS is a extra low hydrogen type covered electrode for mild steel and 490MPa high tensile strength steel for low temperature service.
NC-36L is a lime titania type covered electrode for low carbon 18%Cr-12%Ni-2%Mo stainless steel.
NC38L is a lime titania type covered electrode for low carbon 18%Cr -8%Ni stainless steel. In the as-welded conditions the weld metals provide good corrosion resistibility and good mechanical properties.
NC-39L is a Lime titania type covered electrode for dissimilar metals.
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